Our partnering approach with area churches

Garden 58 exists to connect willing hands to waiting needs & to foster growth through unity of fellowship & service with God & others!

We could never take the place of the local church in anyone’s life. We do not want to take away from any ministry within any local church or take anyone’s tithes!

Instead, we want to serve the local church by giving its members more opportunities to serve & therefore flourish in the community, which we truly believe will encourage others & help to build the church. Instead of every church having to organize & run many programs to offer their members a chance to serve the Lord in ways that suit their gifts, we can assist in connecting certain people to optimal service opportunities.

Though Garden 58 does need funds to run its various programs, we do not require a church to financially support us in order to be a “partner” with us. One of our core principles is that we all have different ways to contribute-

some can give financially,

some can support through prayer,

some can give through time & work,

others can give advice & counsel,

and still others can give support through networking & spreading the word about opportunities connected to Garden 58.

The primary doctrinal belief we need to partner with any church is that salvation is through repentance & faith in Jesus Christ alone. We choose to focus on what we share in common -the grace of God upon our lives & the call we have to partner with God & each other in our community.

A partnership with a church could consist of:

* A pastor approving a member's involvement with any program in any role.

* Financial or otherwise tangible support of Garden 58 as a local evangelization, benevolence, or outreach program.

*Prayer support for any aspect of Garden 58.

It has already been amazing to see how much more effective we can be when we work together in certain areas. For example, having branches of Pinwheel so more kids can be reached & more families supported. Having support teams in multiple churches & zip codes so more foster/adoptive & bio families can have a nearby support system. And last but not least, having prayer warriors & church partners in multiple cities to help us provide a broad network of support for adults needing a fresh start.

Once again, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We hope to be able to partner with you in some way!


2022 Highlights


Garden 58’s support of Christian unity