2022 Highlights

Enjoy this video of highlights from 2022!

Wonderful volunteers from different areas & churches worked together to help our community grow.

Sharing over 1000 meals and starting a new branch of Pinwheel, a relationship-based discipleship/finance course, & three support teams for families are just a few things we are excited to look back & give thanks for!

As we move into 2023, we are excited to see the good things God has in store! We’ve known for awhile that we need to raise a solid base of monthly support from individuals & churches in order to prove our sustainability & trustworthiness to donors.

Our main need: Monthly Donors.

We currently only have one monthly donor family & three churches that support Pinwheel through financial support or free facility use. We have had other generous donors meet particular needs & we thank God for all of these financial supporters!

If you are able to support Garden 58 with a monthly donation of any amount, not only will it help us to grow & thrive, but your support will help us qualify for large donations that could help us:

* get the Revolving Door transition home up & running!

* purchase vehicles or Chromebooks for Pinwheel!

* establish a group home for foster children in Cherokee county to work toward our goals of More Than Enough care for kids!

These are just a few of our possible grant proposals, but we need your help to qualify!

If you would like to make a one-time donation now, or commit to monthly support, click here:

Neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters,
but only God Who gives the growth.

We are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.
— I Cor. 3:6,9

Thank you so much for checking out this update, and for all you do to love others both in your family & community! We hope you have a wonderful year in 2023 & we’d be grateful to partner with you in any way possible.

If you know of something good going on in your community, let us know so we can be excited with you! And please contact us if there is something to pray for or something that we could help spread the word about.


Not a Zero-sum Game


Our partnering approach with area churches