October ‘23 Update

Hello! It’s been awhile since we posted a monthly update on the blog because we started doing a monthly newsletter instead, hoping the updates would get to more of the people wanting to see them!

If you are interested in receiving our monthly newsletter and special updates, please let us know!

Last month, we asked for specific prayer for some children & women needing divine intervention to provide safety in their lives. We are so thankful to report God worked in miraculous ways both for the children & one of the ladies. The other lady is still needing our prayers for her relationship & courage to accept help.

Below is a prayer we can pray together for the kids’ situation.

God has been doing so much to help prepare the Good Ground transition home. We have been fine-tuning our Policies & Procedures & God just directed a biblical counselor our way this week! Join us in praying for the core staff, the volunteers, and the ladies God has planned to send our way.

Here are a few links to some recent highlights, updates, and insights we have shared with our community recently:

Anything you can like, share, or comment on helps us get the word out about various opportunities and the good things God is doing! 

Liking a handful of posts is a simple way to help spread the word! 

Pinwheel Tutoring
read: Life Skills Overview: "Taking Care" Theme
watch: Instagram Weekly Reels

More Than Enough
read: More Than Enough Goals
contemplate: Key Stats on Nationwide Foster Care

Revolving Door
watch: Faith & Finances testimonials
read: Blog: Journey Toward Good Ground
watch: Reel of our first fall class

Garden 58
celebrate: 2 Big Milestones!
read: Blog about Reenactment & Generational Sin
reflect: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 

Pinwheel Tutoring: 

Between Andrews & Murphy we are privileged to offer one-on-one mentors, tutoring, and relational support to over 50 children through more than 75 tutor volunteers this fall!

The kids are learning so much about God’s love through our Life Skills series on “Taking Care.” Love is more than words or feelings, love protects and tends! Love “takes care.”

We are learning how God takes care or gives us tools to take care of different areas of life and how we can participate in His active love. We pray this series will help children see their worth to God and God’s worthiness of our love in response to His great love!

We are so thankful for the privilege of being a faithful presence in children’s lives. This picture is of Tucker Holloway & Carson Taylor 7 years ago!

Joseph Tucker has been Carson’s tutor the past three years! We count it such an honor to build relationships with kids that span much of their childhood.

More Than Enough:

We are up to 7 Care Teams, praise God! What a joy to help support families in multiple ways- meals, childcare, prayer, friendship...to preserve safe homes.

One of our volunteer families recently started the foster licensing process after encountering the need and we are looking forward to supporting them along with biological, foster & adoptive families. 

We are opening our Thursday childcare for working parents to grandparent caregivers as a collaboration between More Than Enough & Pinwheel. One of our Pinwheel grandparents has custody right now of 7 of her grandchildren!

Revolving Door: 

We are closer than ever to closing on a property for the Good Ground women's transition home! Please join us in asking God to send the right personnel to help direct the program, run the Work Life team, and supervise the home itself!

In the meantime, we are continuing to build relationships with women in the community through our current Faith & Finances class as well as nurturing past relationships He has entrusted to us.

We have been wanting to offer Faith & Finances in our community for 6 years! It is so exciting to get to offer our second class this fall!

We’re off to a great start!

Garden 58:

In Isaiah 58:7 one of God's promises to those who pursue the "fast He desires" by seeking to meet the needs of those around them is this: "Your healing will spring forth speedily." 

As we step out of our comfort zones to give, serve, and love others, we will come face to face with our own brokenness. But it is when we see our need that we can run to Christ for the healing & rest we need!

Praise God, Jesus stands ready to relieve any burden and heal any wound. When we experience the rest only found in Him, it becomes a comfort we can then extend to those He has called us to love!

Thank you for reading this update & helping like & share our posts to spread the word! We thank God for every volunteer, supporter, and prayer warrior that makes Garden 58 a vessel of growth for our community!


Neighborhood Jobs


Reenactment & Generational Trauma