2023 Recap!

We thank God for beautiful new relationships formed this year and for the faithful service & generosity of the many people who serve & give through Garden 58.

We like to think of this non-profit as a community garden where children of God work together with Him, in love, to promote healing, growth & flourishing in our communities.

We thank God for knitting hearts together in unity for purposes dear to His heart.

We thank God for providing through the work of the Holy Spirit to help us meet needs and grow along the way.

We glorify Him for preparing people’s hearts to work together in so many beautiful ways this past year.

God is so good & we want to always take the time to remember His goodness & give Him all the glory!

Below are a few highlights from 2023.

Thanks for being here!

First Pinwheel Summer Day Camp

From 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 10 summer Mondays, Noah Lescaleet and Denise Strickland guided our day camp group through their morning schedule & afternoon activity. An alternating team of volunteer tutors & activity leaders enjoyed this easy & fun way to serve during the summer!

The group made great memories together, memorized scripture, worked on reading/math/art, and built good friendships - all the DNA of Pinwheel- just with more fun trips built in! 

Pinwheel Murphy

Meaningful relationships are being built through the caring tutors of Pinwheel Murphy!

Director Lauren Goins engaged multiple local businesses in order to provide amazing prizes at the end of their fall semester & Brandon Entry brought great creativity & energy as the new assistant director for Murphy this fall.

Lauren & Brandon have already started building relationships with an additional church in Murphy that wants to get involved with Pinwheel!

Andrews Pinwheel

We saw miraculous answers to prayer for one of our long-time students in the fall, & another previous Pinwheel student became a tutor!
Each student's story is so significant to God.

2023 was special for Pinwheel because it was the first year we had 8th graders in Firefly who have been in Pinwheel since kindergarten!
It is an honor to walk with these kids through so much of their childhood.

Some skilled men contributed great improvements to our building this year. They installed our new front windows & a beautiful bar table inside that students love to work at!

Pinwheel Work Support 

We thank God for our PWS volunteers who continued to provide families with after-school childcare. Leader Brandon Entry added a fun detail to their Thursday schedule- eating dinner together at the local Welcome Table. The group enjoyed sitting around a table to eat together & making new friends!

We know that finding childcare is a huge challenge for many working parents, including grandparent caregivers, and we pray that God will grow this program to help & serve many more families with reliable care and the love of Christ!

Pinwheel Work Support just might be our easiest program to duplicate in any community! Please pray more volunteers & churches will see the opportunities awaiting them in this type of outreach. 

More Than Enough

We thank God for helping us reach our goals for new care communities in 2023! The faithfulness of each team has truly been a testimony of God’s love to each family receiving support.

At our Care Team Christmas parties, members of teams from Red Oak, Christ Community & MountainView Community shared what a gift it has been to them to be able to offer long-term relational support. They testified to Isaiah 58’s principle that when you pour yourself out to help others, you are refreshed yourself!

It was great to hear them express what a great opportunity this ministry is- a simple, accessible -even to moms with young children!- way to effectively serve our local foster & adoptive community.

Revolving Door

If you haven’t read the blog on our website yet  “Journey toward Good Ground,” check it out! God has used so many people to help us realize the dream of a place for women to heal, serve & grow!

Through a beautiful chain of events that only God could orchestrate, we are within sight of having a home & new opportunities to offer to women in our area.

Part of Isaiah 58 -Garden 58’s theme passage- speaks of bringing those in need into our homes. Please continue faithfully in prayer for the women in our communities needing to be welcomed into a safe & loving home. 


  • As we serve, we realize our need to keep learning in order to take the best possible care of what God has given us. In September, Jenn Jolly of Restoration Rome introduced us to TBRI with a three-day training. We are excited to offer more TBRI trainings in 2024.

  • In February we had the privilege to walk with one of our Pinwheel families through the sudden death of their father and hosted his Celebration of Life in the Pinwheel building, where they felt comfortable, known, and loved.

  • We had fun hosting a baby shower for one of our Pinwheel families & the delight of holding little Luna after her birth.

  • We are excited to partner with Magnolia Mission & help them get Care Teams started in Franklin!

  • And we thank God for our faithful board members as well as the new ones who joined us this year.

Garden 58 Tillers

We are so thankful for our Garden 58 Tillers!
These monthly supporters are preparing the soil for things to grow by increasing our sustainability, which was one of our main goals for 2023. Having only one monthly supporter throughout 2022, we were excited to end ‘23 with 23 monthly supporters! 

Our Tillers help us to maintain & grow our programs with their support!

This was the first year we were able to pay some core staff, which is a key detail of sustainability. Our staff & leaders are key to keeping our programs, classes & trainings available to our volunteer community!

If you are considering supporting Garden 58, our greatest need is more monthly supporters to sustain our current budget as well as to grow.

In Garden 58, we are thankful for any season in which someone can give, & we trust God to bring who we need in each season!

We are excited to walk together in faith wherever God may lead in 2024!

We thank you for your prayers & support!


Sound of Hope: joining a story that shares God’s hope


Neighborhood Jobs