2023 Milestones!

In honor of our amazing volunteer & supporter family, we put together this 1-minute video to celebrate what God has been doing through His children & just to share the excitement & gratitude we feel towards everyone working together in our community!

Check out this recap video in full screen mode!

Revolving Door Transition Home News!

2023 has been exciting for several reasons! God has provided for us to take more concrete steps toward opening a transition home for women.

First, in early February, God provided funds- in 6 days! - equal to all the money we raised in the whole of 2022 for projects, windows, supplies, events, meals, gifts & curriculum!

Then, we received a $50k pledge toward the purchase of our women’s transition home property. And then another! So we have $100k in pledges that we did not see coming! *You may or may not be aware, but we are planning to expand this transition home program to Whimsy Flower Farm in Blairsville, GA, after establishing a pilot program in Andrews, NC.

So, we are going to try our best to finish the race on this project & really push to raise at least another $200k toward purchasing the amazing property in the video above. There is a non-profit strategy that could allow us to buy the property outright, but like everything we do in Garden 58, it will take a group effort!

If this is a project you care about, would you consider praying about sending us a pledge? Just let us know what you would be able to contribute (if we are able to meet our goal) through a pledge! We will be launching an online fundraiser that will be easier to share with a broader network, but wanted to share this opportunity with all of you who are already connected to Garden 58.

Whatever pledges we receive prior to launching the Kickstarter will lower our goal amount & make the goal look more attainable..which does help more people give!

We had a great clothing drive event in March that raised over $500 for the transition home, but more importantly, got our volunteer lists started for a few areas of involvement:

Prayer support

Transportation support

Support groups

Allies (trained mentor-friends)

Weekend Retreats

Fundraising Team

Class teacher/member

Care Team member

If you are interested in learning about any of these opportunities, feel free to reach out or attend our next Clothing Drive for the Transition Home!


We finished up a great Spring Semester in Andrews, & Murphy is about to finish up their semester as well! Please check out our Instagram & Facebook accounts for lots of great pictures & videos!

We are excited to begin a new program this summer- Pinwheel Day Camp. This will offer structure & special activities to up to 10 kids on 10 Mondays from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Noah Lescaleet, a veteran Pinwheel tutor, will be directing this program & we are excited to see how this can further support families & kids in the summer months!

More Than Enough

It has been so encouraging to hear stories from our Care Teams & the families they’ve been supporting. Just last Saturday we held an appreciation meal for two of our Care Teams & they were amazing to witness as they strategized ways to continue growing in how they serve.

One exciting piece of news for More Than Enough- we are partnering with our friends from Magnolia Mission to start new Care Teams in Franklin, NC!

Garden 58 as a whole

We went from 1 monthly supporter in 2022 to having 15! That may not sound like alot, but it is great progress!

We also started a Garden 58 Facebook page this spring & have been developing a list of possible support churches!

Thank you all for your prayer, support & engagement!

Alone we can do so little.

Together we can do so much. - Helen Keller


More about More Than Enough


Not a Zero-sum Game