July-September ‘22 Update

Pinwheel Tutoring

We are so thankful for everyone that pitched in to help us get the set of windows for the Pinwheel Building. Now we just need some skilled workers to help us get them installed!

In August we were excited to see a group of Firefly kids sponsored to go to Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters for a week of camp. These kids had a great time going to services, playing in the afternoons, & having small group with their share group leaders.

In September we identified a great curriculum platform with the guidance of Anna Rose Garret & loaded our first course onto it - our tutor training course! This tool will be key in helping more volunteers connect with Pinwheel in our existing branches as well as helping future branches start up smoothly!

We thank God for almost 100 volunteers for this semester of Pinwheel between Andrews & Murphy. Please pray for great relationships, significant scholastic improvement, a fun time and hearts to be softened and shaped by God’s love & truth! Follow along with our semester on Instagram & Facebook for pictures & updates!

Katy running inside for the first day back at Pinwheel!

Katy running inside for her first day back at Pinwheel!

More Than Enough

We saw some miraculous answers to prayer during a tough transition for one of our foster families & their care team. The value of having a team of people intimately acquainted with your story is priceless in and of itself. Being known & seen & supported can carry you through some hard days! But having that team stand at the ready to pray & support when situations rapidly change & helplessness threatens to overwhelm you- that feels like a lifeboat coming toward you after you’ve been swept overboard in a storm.

Thank you to each and every member of our Care Teams for the support & prayer you give so faithfully!

We are excited to announce that Jeff & Lynn Taylor have joined our advocate team & will be going to churches in our area to help start care teams! Please let us know if you are interested in more information. We can’t wait for the day when there is “More Than Enough” support for the foster & adoptive families in our communities!

Below is a series of pictures that help to describe what a Care Team is and what roles can be filled by the various members of the team.

Revolving Door

Our main need in moving forward with the transition home:

The Revolving Door transition home project is eligible for several types of grants, but most grant donors want to see a steady monthly base of income. We know God could provide for this massive project through other means than a grant, but we want to keep all options open since we don’t know how He wants to work!

If you or your church would like to support Garden 58 as a local charity or missions project on a monthly basis, we would be grateful for your partnership! Our current goal is just $1k a month of support to cover some of our administrative costs. Check out our donate page here.

The easiest way to give is to set up automatic monthly payments through our PayPal link!


Our unity reveals God’s love.


Growing together isn’t just about serving others…